Page 175 - TTB Merged
P. 175
10 The LORD is close to all them that call upon
him, to all that call upon him in truth. He will
fulfill the desire of those who fear him: he will
also hear their cry and save them. The LORD
preserves all of them that love him: but all the
wicked he will destroy.
1) Psalms 139:14, 32-24 2) Psalm 139:23-24 3) Psalms 9:7-11
4) Psalms 34:15-21 5) Romans 12:19-21 6) James 5:19-20
7) Psalms 86:4-7, 10 8) Psalms 25:1-5 9) James 1:19-20
10) Psalms 145:18-20
1 You have heard that it has been said: An eye
for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say
unto you, resist not evil doers: but whoever
shall hit you on your right cheek, turn to
him the other as well. And if any man will
sue you at the law and take away your coat, let
him also have your cloak. And whoever shall
compel you to go a mile, go with him two miles.
Give to him who asks you, and from him that
would borrow from you so do not turn away.
You have heard that it has been said: You shall
love your neighbor and hate your enemy.