Page 74 - TTB Merged
P. 74
is cut down, and is cast into the fire. And
the people asked him, saying, What shall we
do? He answered and said to them, He that
has two coats, let him give to him that
has none; and he that has meat, let
them do likewise.
Then the tax collectors also came to be
baptized, and said to him, Master, what shall
we do? And he said unto them, Take no more
than that which is appointed. The soldiers
likewise demanded of him, saying, And what
shall we do? So he said to them, Do no violence
to anyone, and don’t accuse anyone falsely;
and be content with your wages.
11 Be angry, but sin not: don’t let the sun go
down upon your wrath: neither give place to
the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but
rather let him labor, working with his hands in
that which is good, so he may have something
to give to him that is in need.
1) Genesis 9:6 2) Exodus 20 3) Matthew 5 4) Revelation 21:8
5) 1 Cor. 6:11 6) 1 John 3:15-17 7) Galatians 6:10 8) 1 Tim. 5:8
9) Ephesians 4:30-32 10) Luke 3:10-14 11) Ephesians 4:26-27