Page 63 - TTB Merged
P. 63

give  to  eat  of  the  tree  of  life,  which  is  in  the
          midst  of  the  paradise  of  God…  these  things
          says the first and the last, which was dead, and
          is alive for evermore.

          23 Christ, being in the form of God, thought it

          not robbery to be equal with God: but made
          himself  of  no  reputation,  and  took  upon  him
          the  form  of  a  servant,  and  was  made  in  the
          likeness of men: and being found in fashion as
          a  man,  he  humbled  himself  and  became

          obedient  unto  death,  even  the  death  of  the
          cross.  Wherefore God also has highly exalted
          him,  and  given  him  a  name  which  is  above
          every name: so at the name of Jesus every
          knee  shall  bow,  of  things  in  heaven,  and

          things in earth, and things under the earth; 24
          neither is there salvation in any other: for there
          is none other name under heaven given among
          men, whereby we must be saved;  25 "For I am
          the LORD; besides me there is no Savior."

          26 And he said to them, You are from beneath; I
          am  from  above:  you  are  of  this  world;  I  am

          not of this world. This is why I said to you,
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