Page 209 - TTB Merged
P. 209

unto all good works.  4 So then faith comes
          by hearing, and hearing by the word of

          God.  5  For  the  word  of  God  is  quick,  and
          powerful,  and  sharper  than  any  two-edged
          sword,  piercing  to  the  dividing  of  soul  and
          spirit, the joints and marrow, and is a discerner
          of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

          6  So  let  everyone  prove  their  work,  and  then
          they  can  rejoice  in  themselves  alone,  not
          comparing  to  others,  for  everyone  shall  bear
          their own burden. Let him that is taught in

          the word, share all good things with him
          that  teaches.  Be  not  deceived;  God  is

          not mocked: for whatever a man plants, he

          shall reap. For he that plants to his flesh shall
          reap of the flesh corruption; but he planting to
          the Spirit shall reap of the Spirit life everlasting.

          And  let  us  not  be  weary  in  well  doing:

          for  in  due  season  we  shall  reap  if  we
          faint  not.  As  we  then  have  an  opportunity,

          let us do good to all men, especially to them
          who are of the household of faith.
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