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to  all  in  his  house.  And  he  took  them  at  the
          same  hour  of  the  night,  and  washed  their
          wounds;  and  was  baptized,  he  and  all  his,
          immediately. 7 So, repent, be baptized every in
          the name of Jesus Christ for the remission  of
          sins,  and  you  will  receive  the  gift  of  the  Holy
          Spirit; 8 for whoever calls upon the name of the

          Lord shall be saved.

          9  For  all  have  sinned,  and  come  short  of  the
          glory of God; being justified freely by his grace
          through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
          whom God has set forth to be a savior through
          faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness
          for  the  remission  of  sins,  through  the

          forbearance  of  God;  10  for  by  grace  you  are
          saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is
          the  gift  of  God:  not  of  works,  lest  anyone
          should boast.

          11  So,  if  you  confess  with  your  mouth

          that  Jesus  is  Lord  and  believe  in  your
          heart that God has raised him from the

          dead,  you  shall  be  saved.  For  with  the
          heart, a man believes unto righteousness, and
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