Page 198 - TTB Merged
P. 198

Jesus two disciples, saying unto them, Go into
      the village over near you, and straightway you
                                 shall find a donkey

                                 tied,  and  a  colt
                                 with    her:   loose
                                 them,  and  bring
                                 them to me.

                                 And  the  disciples
                                 went,  and  did  as
                                 Jesus  commanded
                                 them,  and  brought
                                 the  donkey,  and
                                 the colt, and put on
                                 them  their  clothes,
                                 and  they  set  him
                                 thereon. And a very
                                 great multitude had

      spread  out  their  garments  in  the  street;
      others  cut  down branches  from  the  trees  and
      strewn  them  in  the  way.  And  the

      multitudes that went before, and they

      that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna
      to  the  Son  of  David:  Blessed  is  he  that
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