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A bible book: sola scriptura

                        by ~ plGrimm

                          © 2024 P.L.Grimm
                          All rights reserved.
                       ISBN: 978-1-7775243-6-4

          “A bible book: sola scriptura” is a mashup of over 1500
          bible  verses  on  52  topics.  Any  repetition  or  graphic
          display of passages is for intended emphasis; meant only
          as an introduction and not a summary of the Holy Bible
          (always study the scriptures in their original context).

          “A  bible  book:  sola  scriptura”  is  adapted,  paraphrased,
          and modernized into a topical compilation, derived from
          the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible. Scripture
          quotations  from  The  Authorized  (King  James)  Version.
          Rights in the Authorized Version in the United Kingdom
          are  vested  in  the  Crown.  Reproduced  by  permission  of
          the Crown’s patentee, Cambridge University Press.

           You  may  copy,  reproduce  and  distribute  not-for-sale
          copies of “A bible book: sola scriptura” in any form, for
          the purpose of giving it away; we would only ask that you
          give a reference attribution to this published work.
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